If there are words that are difficult to be understood by millions of Indonesia on the night of Monday, November 21, 2011 ago, it was the word: "sincere". Indonesia national team defeat age 23 in the match against Malaysia Pinal night, not just failed to win the gold medal. After all, gold has been fed by many other athletes from different branches. Failing that, such a catastrophe is difficult to accept by anyone who claims to love the homeland. Gegagalan team "Garuda Young that night, mengguratkan deep disappointment, melancholy sadness, anger that can not be acted on anyone.Presumably, on that night, everyone suddenly became football commentator. Most of them, write the responses on her personal account on the internet. "I'm willing to Indonesia to lose against anyone, but not against Malaysia". I commented on Facebook. "The defeat is a victory that delayed, forever", commented another.Prima donna football as a sport worldwide. Admittedly, not merely entertainment or competition per se, but has been transformed into the arena of business, politics and a little friendship. For a nationalist, a football match between countries is an opportunity to tackle the country's greatest opponent. Moreover, when the state opponent, is a country which was considered a lot to do "sin" against the country. For example Indonesia and Malaysia.Hatred Indonesia against Malaysia occurred in many areas. Start a personal problem to political problems. Just look at Manohara case for example, girls who dipersunting Indonesia Malaysia Kelantan prince to be tortured, not used as a consort (if Manohara correct recognition). Some Indonesian women workers working in Malaysia. Go in good shape, came home bruised up defects. Presumably because the employer was tortured there. Problems annexation by Indonesia Malaysia Sarawak-Kalimantan border until now an increasingly sensitive issue. "The weakness of the Indonesian government surveillance in the border region has been utilized to move the shells pembabatas Malaysia as he pleased," according to Tempo magazine in one coverage.Therefore, a very humane when we, Indonesian people are very eager to "finish off" Malaysia, at least in Pinal game that night only. Just once ...!.Ambition to win that night, to be honest has been shrouded by a sense of hatred, happy to see Malaysia to its knees. We, especially me, as if forgetting that the ball remains the ball. The skin round is pursued by 22 people in a 45x2 minutes. That is, anything can happen. We're actually very close to defeat, although it is also close to victory.Therefore, should, even before the game started. We should have to surrender, sincere victory. Winning with sincerity / with a clean heart. Without rancor, without hatred. Yells may but need not euporia.But never mind, to this day, no one word that can console me for the defeat that night. I find it hard to win just sincere, much less to lose
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